Main Page

From Emulation General Wiki
Revision as of 20:29, 8 October 2018 by ObiKKa (talk | contribs) (Redirected to new NAOMI page.)
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Welcome to the Emulation General wiki,
the wiki dedicated to all things emulation.
There are 722 articles already. Why not explore them?



This wiki is dedicated to all things related to video game emulation. Please read the General problems FAQ before asking questions.

Questions and comments about the wiki should be asked on the message board.

For info on console hardware and restoration, see the Game Tech Wiki.

If you're looking for ways to contribute, see the TODO discussion.




Personal Computers  

Multi-System Emulators


Atari Consoles  

Atari Handhelds  

Nintendo Consoles  

Nintendo Handhelds  

Sega Consoles  

Sega Handhelds  

NEC Consoles  

Sony Consoles  

Sony Handhelds  

Microsoft Consoles  

Other 90s Consoles

Other 90s Handhelds

First/Second Generation Consoles

Mobile Phones

Emulating On Other Systems

Not Really Emulators

Compatibility layers

Game engine recreations
