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CHIP-8 emulators

273 bytes added, 15 June
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{{for|more information on computers with CHIP-8 support|List of computers}}
:There have been multiple communities that have used CHIP-8.
In the late 1970s to 1980s [[wikipedia:Microcomputer|microcomputer]] kit communities are where CHIP-8 was first popular, on systems such as the [ DREAM 6800], [[wikipedia:COSMAC VIP|COSMAC VIP]], [ HUG1802/ETI-660], [ Oscom Nano], [ Telmac 1800], [ Telmac 2000], and [ V-ELF]
This is due to systems like the [[wikipedia:COSMAC VIP|COSMAC VIP]] endorsing and including CHIP-8 programswith the machine.<ref>[ COSMAC VIP Instruction Manual]</ref> In these communities CHIP-8 programs and extensions were being shared with newsletters, like '[ DREAMER]' and '[ VIPER magazine]'
Later, in the 1990s CHIP-8 began to be popular on [[wikipedia:Graphing calculator|graphing calculators]]. This community started when a CHIP-8 interpreter called CHIP-48, the origin the 'CHIP-48' extension was released on the [[wikipedia:HP_48_series|HP-48]] in 1990. In 1991 the 'SUPER-CHIP' interpreter was created, with the 'SUPER-CHIP' (A.K.A S-CHIP or SCHIP) extension being a derivative of CHIP-48.<ref name=SCHIP_11_DOC>[ SUPER-CHIP 1.1 documentation]</ref>
There have been other communities that have created and ported interpreters, devices such as consoles. With interpreters still being made for consoles and computers, as well as many other old and new devices. In the 2010s the [ Octojam] competition started with the creation of XO-CHIP, which was created in 2014<ref>[ CHIP-8 extensions and compatibility#XO-CHIP]</ref>. Octojam ran from 2014-2023, <ref></ref> had dozens of CHIP-8, S-CHIP, and XO-CHIP programs created for it.
===CHIP-8 extensions===
:For detailed information on CHIP-8 extensions see: [ CHIP-8 extensions and compatibility]
:Extensions to CHIP-8 have existed since the 1970s.
CHIP-8, and its extensions are based on implementing [[wikipedia:Opcode|opcodes]] in interpreters.<ref></ref>
The original CHIP-8 being the most supported, with the most supported extensions being S-CHIP and XO-CHIP.
When extensions change the behavior of an opcode it makes the specific opcode when used incompatible with other extensions, most derivative extensions try to maintain backward compatibility with 'parent' extension. If commonly used or many opcodes' behavior is change it will large incompatibilities with extensions.
;List of notable extensions
For the [[wikipedia:COSMAC VIP|COSMAC VIP]]: CHIP-10, Hi-res CHIP-8, CHIP-8E, CHIP-8X<br>
For the [[wikipedia:HP-48|HP-48]]: CHIP-48, {{hovertext|SUPER-CHIP|A.K.A S-CHIP or SCHIP}} (1.0 and 1.1)<br>
For other platforms: XO-CHIP
===Computers with CHIP-8 support===
{{for|more information on these computers|List of computers}}
:Devices with official/endorsed or other well-known CHIP-8 support.
These devices include: [ DREAM 6800], [[wikipedia:COSMAC VIP|COSMAC VIP]], [ HUG1802/ETI-660], [ Oscom Nano], [ Telmac 1800], [ Telmac 2000], [ V-ELF], [ VIP2K Membership Card].
|Vision-8 for Gameboy
|[ 1.0]
|[ git]
|Low<abbr title="Code review, not ROM tested">*</abbr>
|[ git]
|Low<abbr title="Code review, not ROM tested">*</abbr>
|{{✗}}<abbr title="Due to limited number buttons on the system some CHIP-8 keys are not usable">*</abbr>
|Vision-8 for Gameboy
|[ 1.0]
|High-Mid<abbr title="Assumed as a fork of Vision-8 to have the same accuracy">*</abbr>
:'''Chip-3DS''' (3DS)
::Placeholder text.
:'''Vision-8 for Gameboy''' (Game Boy)
::Uses a included DOS program (Use DOSBox or [[PC_Emulator_Comparisons|Similar software to run this.), to save the ROMs to a battery save file, with up to 7 ROMs being able to be saved onto it, with key customization for each CHIP-8 ROM.
:'''MicroCHIP''' (PlayStation Vita)
::Simple ROM selection.
:'''VITA-8''' (PlayStation Vita)
::Placeholder text.
:'''PSP-Chip8''' (PlayStation Portable)
::Basic ROM selection interface.
:'''Chip-8 Emulator''' (PlayStation Portable)
::Placeholder text.
:'''VITA-8''' (PlayStation Vita)
::Placeholder text.
:'''DreamChip''' (PlayStation Portable)
:'''damaged chip8''' (Game Boy)
::Uses <code>SELECT</code> to switch ROMs. Needs recompilation for custom ROMs, using [ RGBDS v0.3.10].
:'''Vision-8 for Gameboy''' (Game Boy)
::Needs recompilation for custom ROMs, using [ GBDK].
:'''Dingux-chip8''' (Dingoo)
::Placeholder text.
:'''chip8''' (MRE)
::Placeholder text.
:''For detailed information on CHIP-8 extensions see: [ CHIP-8 extensions and compatibility]''
The original CHIP-8 is more supported than any extension, the most supported extensions are: S-CHIP and XO-CHIP.
Extensions to CHIP-8 since the 1970s, with many with over-lapping features, such as the expansions to the resolution, I/O and other improvements/additions. CHIP-8, and its extensions are based on implementing [[wikipedia:Opcode|opcodes]] in interpreters.<ref></ref>
When extensions change the behavior of an opcode it makes the specific opcode when used incompatible with other extensions, most derivative extensions try to maintain backward compatibility with 'parent' extension. If commonly used or many opcodes' behavior is change it will large incompatibilities with extensions.
A summarized list of the CHIP-8 extensions below:
Extensions created for [[wikipedia:HP-48|HP-48]]:
* {{hovertext|SUPER-CHIP|A.K.A S-CHIP or SCHIP}}
Extensions created for other systems:
Extensions created for the [[wikipedia:COSMAC VIP|COSMAC VIP]]:<br>
Visual: Two-page display for CHIP-8, CHIP-10, Hi-res CHIP-8, CHIP-8E, CHIP-8X, Two-page display for CHIP-8X, Hi-res CHIP-8X
Other: CHIP-8E, CHIP-8M
==See also==
* [[Fantasy console emulators]]

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