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CHIP-8 emulators

493 bytes added, 15 June
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|[ 1.0]
|{{TBD}}High-Mid<abbr title="Assumed as a fork of Vision-8 to have the same accuracy">*</abbr>
|[ 1.0]
|{{TBD}}High-Mid<abbr title="MSX and ADAM share the same source code as the original Vision-8, ColecoVision version assumed to be the same accuracy as Vision-8">*</abbr>
|[ ?]
|{{TBD}}High-Mid<abbr title="Shares the same source code as the original SVision-8, accuracy should be the same">*</abbr>
|[ 1.0]
|{{TBD}}High-Mid<abbr title="Assumed as a fork of Vision-8 to have the same accuracy">*</abbr>
|[ ?]
|{{TBD}}High-Mid<abbr title="Is a fork of SVision-8, accuracy should be the same">*</abbr>

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