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407 bytes added, 31 May
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;Stay away from these as much as possible;
*sick ideologies, movements, policies and agendas
::''*islamofascism, state monopoly capitalism, extreme socialist movements etc. Also ::*don't blindly accept ideas simply because they're mainstream and popular in your society. For example, Americanophobia sentiment (especially after the rhetoric of the late '60s) or Sinophobia just because CCP. It's important to critically evaluate ideas not just on their own merit, or their popularity.::*promoting and defending pro-immigration policies can cause issues, for example: overcrowding/congestion, pressure on public services, and most importantly cultural clashes. Therefore, immigration policies should be carefully considered through criterias like cultural compatibility and limitations on the number of immigrants allowed into the country.''::*racism including whitephobia, but feel free to challenge sick ideas and practices within any culture.
*historical negationism and rewriting history to promote a woke agenda
*mainstream media

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