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TWiLight Menu++

29 bytes added, 04:58, 18 February 2022
Features: Re-sort emulator list alphabetically and clean up formatting
* Includes emulators for the following systems and can launch the ROM through the menu:
** Gameyob A5200DS - (Atari 5200)** A7800DS - (Atari 7800 ProSystem)** ColecoDS - (ColecoVision)** GameYob - (GB/GBC)** [[GBARunner2]] - (GBA)
** jEnesisDS - (Sega Megadrive/Genesis)
** Nestwl/nesds nesDS - (NES)** NGPDS - (Neo Geo Pocket)** Nintellivision - (Intellivision)
** NitroGrafx - (PC-Engine)
** NitroSwan - (WonderSwan)
** PicoDriveTWL - (Genesis/Mega Drive)
** S8DS - (GG/MS/SG-1000)
** SNEmulDS - (SNES)
** GBARunner2 (GBA)** NGPDS(Neo Geo Pocket)** NitroSwan(WonderSwan)** ColecoDS(ColecoVision)** NINTVStellaDS -DS(Intellivision)** PicoDriveTWL (Genesis/MegadriveAtari 2600)** XEGS-DS - (Atari800XLAtari 800XL/XEGS)** StellaDS (Atari 2600)** A5200DS (Atari 5200)** A7800DS (Atari 7800 ProSystem)
* On the 3DS, can play DS games in 16:10 widescreen (requires additional setup; not every game is supported).

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