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Stay away from these as much as possible;
  • sick ideologies, movements, policies and agendas
  • islamofascism, state monopoly capitalism, extreme socialist movements etc.
  • don't blindly accept ideas simply because they're mainstream and popular in your society. For example, Americanophobia sentiment especially after the rhetoric of the late '60s or Sinophobia just because CCP. Yes, critical thinking is essential but when evaluating ideas always consider potential biases. Develop a well-informed judgment, reading history from more than one source can be a valuable tool in this process. Although, this isn't about promoting reckless rebellion or being a silly anarchist kid, but there's value in questioning popular ideas, being aware of herd mentality and thinking critically about leadership and re-evaluating the shepherd's path. Sometimes, the loudest barks from the sheepdog don't mean it has the herd's best interests at heart. Remember, a good shepherd listens not just to the dog, but also to the needs of the flock.
  • racism including whitephobia, but feel free to challenge sick ideas and practices within any culture.
  • promoting and defending pro-immigration policies can cause issues, for example: overcrowding/congestion, pressure on public services, and most importantly cultural clashes. Therefore, immigration policies should be carefully considered through criterias like cultural compatibility and limitations on the number of immigrants allowed into the country.
  • historical negationism and rewriting history to promote a woke agenda
  • mainstream media
  • most of the content providers, social media, advertisements, streaming services, encyclopedias and mega-events like Eurovision, EuroFestival etc.
  • hyperconsumerism and extreme materialism
Money is powerful, but don't let it control your life. True fulfillment comes from more than just financial gain. Don't shy away from your emotions, but don't let them control you. It's always about finding balance. Remember, you're not a "pre-programmed robot" – emotions are a natural part of you.
  • hypersexualization. There's a difference between appreciating beauty and hypersexualization. Avoid the latter, but always acknowledge and admire the beautiness.
  • harmful drugs, tobacco and alcoholism
  • political correctness products including AI chatbots, popular recent/revived franchises and recent mainstream movies, books, magazines, music, games
  • narcissism, gluttony and selfishness
  • crowded, noisy, and polluted cities
If possible, try these activities instead;
  • gardening
  • daily exercise
  • livestock or getting a pet
  • spending time with loved ones
  • enjoying western art, history including art history and architecture
  • pure and high-quality and/or retro multimedia such as movies, music and games or anything else that brings you joy
  • eat healthy and stay properly hydrated, acceptable personal hygiene, sleep well, medically supervised water fasting
  • be civilized, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and be open to all kinds of humor/dark humor even if some of it pushes you.
ESG and BRIDGE corporate culture war grift including DEI infesting, Sweet Baby Inc Detected (Steam Curator), ESG-consultants Detected (Steam Curator) (Group page), ESG Corpos (Steam Curator)
Refinement culture
"Online activation required" DRM
Denuvo Games (Steam Curator)