Using RetroArch

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Work in progress guide. Please expand upon it.


Basic Usage (RGUI)

After downloading RetroArch,

RGUI, RetroArch's interface

start up retroarch.exe.

To launch a game, select the emulator core you'd like to use under Core, and select a ROM under Load Game.

For more convenient ROM selection, setup your browser directory under Path Options.

Installing RetroArch on Linux


First, add the PPA for hunter-kaller/ppa (instructions here), then type the following into a terminal:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install retroarch

sudo apt-get install <corename>

Replace <corename> with the name of the package the core is available in. You can see all of the cores available to you either in your package manager (e.g. Synaptic, Software Center) or by visiting Launchpad.

Other Distros

You will have to compile from source. For Arch Linux, there are AUR packages that simplify this process, although it is not incredibly difficult otherwise. The most important part is making sure you have all the dependencies.

Dependencies: (refer to your distro's wiki or package manager for exact package names)

  • pkgconfig
  • OpenGL headers (should be on most distros by default, if not try installing libgl/mesa development package


  • libxml2 - For XML shaders and cheat support
  • freetype - TTF font rendering
  • ffmpeg/libavcodec - FFmpeg recording
  • nvidia-cg-toolkit - Cg shaders

Using RetroArch

RetroArch has a robust CLI for those who prefer the command line, there are also many pages which should have been installed by default for retro-arch, retroarch-joyconfig and others. If you use the CLI be sure to configure your retroarch.cfg file before first use. This config is well commented so each option can be fully understood. Use retroarch-joyconfig command for simplified input setup. RetroArch can auto-detect inputs, which is a great feature to simplify playing with multiple/different controllers (refer to "man retroarch-joyconfig" for details). The retroarch.cfg file should be located in /etc/retroarch.cfg, your home folder or the directory where RetroArch was installed depending on your distro and compilation setup.

General Setup/Usage

RGUI Controls

Default keys for the keyboard are: x (confirm), z (back) and the arrow keys. If you're using an XInput (xbox 360) controller, your controller should already be set-up.


If you are going to play in a system that needs a BIOS (e.g. PS1), place the BIOS files in RetroArch's 'system' directory.

Mednafen is very picky about which BIOS to use. The ones that you might need are:

  • scph5500.bin
  • scph5501.bin
  • scph5502.bin

Disc images

Mednafen requires you to load games through CUE sheets. Ensure that the CUE sheet is properly set up in order for the game to run. See the Cue sheet (.cue) for more.


The following file need to be placed in the System folder to use the Rice plugin:

  • RiceVideoLinux.ini

Download it here.

Glide64mk2.ini is no longer needed in the current version of mupen64plus-libretro, as it is baked into the Glide64 now.

Super Game Boy

Using recent builds of the bsnes libretro cores, you can load Game Boy games in a fully emulated Super Game Boy. As this feature is not currently implemented in RGUI, you must do so using a command line. First you need to set the core to a bsnes core (any of the 3 profiles will work) using RGUI or editing your config file, then start RetroArch with the following command to load GB games in SGB mode using bsnes:

retroarch "path to Super Game Boy SNES cartridge ROM" --gameboy "path to Game Boy cartridge ROM"

Put the actual paths to the ROMs in double quotes. For example:

retroarch "C:/Games/SNES/Super Game Boy 2 (Japan).sfc" --gameboy "C:/Games/Game Boy/Kirby's Dream Land (USA, Europe).gb"

You will need sgb.boot.rom in your System folder, this can be found on the Emulator Files page in the SNES file pack if you do not have it.

You can also use the RetroArch-Phoenix launcher to launcher to load them, but YMMV since it is not being updated anymore.

Dual Analog Controllers

PS1 games often used a set of default remappings if they didn't support it directly. Some games used both analogs as the D-pad, RetroArch doesn't support that though. Dual analogs only work in games that fully supported them, such as Ape Escape. To use dual analog for such games, go to Input Options, and change Device Type to JoyPad w/ Analog.

Transfer PS1 Memory Card Files

Mednafen creates memory card files for each individual game, in contrast to PCSX-R/ePSXe where all game saves are stored into 2 memory card files. To transfer memory card files from PCSX-R/ePSXe to RetroArch:

  • Start game in RetroArch.
  • Go to system folder. Copy the names of the .mcr files created for the game.
  • Delete them.
  • Rename the files you want to transfer with the names of the RetroArch memcard files.
  • Place the new ones in the system folder.

Disk Changing

To changes disks in-game, go to Disk Options > Disk Image Append.

Some games like Metal Gear Solid require the disk tray to be opened before changing disks. To do this, change 'Disk Index' to 'No Disk' first.

Audio DSP Plugins

RetroArch supports loading audio DSP plugins to add effects such as reverb to the audio output. This has been in RetroArch for a long time, but was recently reworked to be easier to use and more accessible from RGUI, and are available in the main RetroArch repository now. Now you can load DSP filters using RGUI under Settings\Audio Options\DSP Filter, where you can load a DSP preset with .dsp extension, which is a text file similar to a shader preset that lets you chain DSP filters and specify their options. The DSP filters themselves are dynamic libraries that are loaded according to the .dsp file. Each DSP filter has a standalone preset that documents the default options, and there are some example presets that combine more than one filter.

Note that some of these filters may reduce volume a bit, so you may want to boost RA's volume level to compensate. If you want to remove the filter, press Start when the DSP Filter option is highlighted.

The filters and their presets can be found here, which the DSP filters can be built for your platform with the makefile. Some precompiled Windows x64 builds of these filters can be obtained here.

Outputting log to a file

An easy way to get RetroArch to output logs to file for easy copy/pasting:

retroarch --menu --verbose >> log.txt 2>&1

It will load up to RGUI as if you just double clicked the executable, but it will redirect standard output and standard error to a text file called log.txt in your RetroArch folder. The command above will append to the log and not overwrite existing information, if you want it to overwrite, change ">>" into ">". This can be put into a .bat file to easily run it when desired.

Building from source

Main article: Building RetroArch

Libretro-super is a series of scripts used to ease the compilation and installation of each and every libretro emulation core and RetroArch itself. Thus this is the simplest route to a fully functional installation. If you need or want to build each core individually then you can refer to the script for direction.

git clone git://
cd libretro-super
sh <path where you'd like RetroArch installed>

If you want to build cores individually with the script instead of all of them at once, you can do this

sh build_libretro_<corename>

to call one core's build function directly instead of calling them all.


  • F1 - Open RGUI
  • F2 - Save state
  • F4 - Load state
  • F8 - Take Screenshot
  • F9 - Mute Audio
  • F11 - Hide Cursor
  • Space - Turn off Frame Limiter

Problems and Solutions

Command prompt running and closing itself upon running retroarch.exe

Open up retroarch.cfg using Notepad. Inside, you should find

config_save_on_exit = "true"

Now, under it, write

video_driver = "d3d9" or

video_driver = "gl"

External links