Game problems FAQ

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Revision as of 05:15, 8 September 2013 by ColamanZero57 (talk) (ColamanZero57 moved page Game problems and solutions to Game problems FAQ)
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Dangan Ronpa

Make sure you're using the latest dev build of PPSSPP ((v0.8.1-664 onwards) .
Go to Settings > Graphics > Under "Buffered Rendering" activate "Read Framebuffer to Memory (CPU)" If you have an AMD Graphic Card or Android Device. If you have Nvidia, activate "Read Framebuffer to Memory(GPU)".

Metal Gear Solid

A: MGS has anti-piracy features, and needs real bios to work. Do not use simulated bios in PCSX-R. These will just give a blank screen. If you are using bios and it still is not working, try different bios files. And that the BIOS is selected under the Plugins and Bios configuration menu.


Most people try to use VBA-M. Stop that. That is geared for GBA emulation. Use Gambatte.

Metal Gear Solid 3

This game needs a very high end CPU to run at full speed and will run slowly on most CPUs.  All of the various blades of grass are one culprit cause of slowdown.

Shadow of the Colossus.

This game needs a very high end CPU to run at full speed.

Zone of the Enders 1 and 2

This game needs a very high end CPU to run at full speed.