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'''PCBox''' is an open-source, [[High/Low level emulation|low-level]] [[POS_(Pong_Consoles)_CPUs_and_Other_Chips#Intel_CPU.27sx86_CPUs|PC emulator]] and a fork of [[86Box]] (which is itself a fork of [[PCem]]), which is focused on accuracy and hardware preservation (especially for the 8088/8086-based systems), trying to emulate all the various quirks of the real hardware. It emulates Intel Pentium 3, Atari PC 4, VIA C3 and Intel i815 (from "feature/ich2" branch of 86Box) and features experimental [ coreboot] support on some emulated boards (from "feature/mtrr" branch of 86Box). In the future, the authors intend to implement: Intel Pentium 4 emulation (including SSE2)
AMD Athlon and AMD Athlon XP emulation, more accurate Intel Pentium 3 speeds,
new (optional) dynamic recompiler that sacrifices timing accuracy for speed, and

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