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Legal Status of Emulation

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Internet Archive: internet archive DMCA exemption
===Internet Archive===
;Internet Archive Gets DMCA Exemption To Help Archive Vintage Software
:In 2003 the Internet Archive, as part of research into vintage software archiving, discovered possible archiving issues involving the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. This could make it impossible to legally archive early computer software and games, even for accredited institutions wishing to store limited amounts of non-distributable, archival images. It's vital to make proper archival copies of these artefacts, because the life of magnetic media such as floppy discs has been estimated at 10 to 30 years.[] Time is running out to properly archive much of this large body of work for safekeeping, to ensure it lives out its term of copyright and is available (in the short-term, under suitable copyright-constrained means) for posterity. With the aid of various exemptions[], the Internet Archive is continuing its work with institutional and technical partners to research and archive this at-risk software, and would like to thank all those who worked hard to help us achieve our goal.
;2023 - Hachette Book Group, Inc. v. Internet Archive[]
:'''Action:''' Hachette Book Group, along with Penguin Random House, HarperCollins, and Wiley, sued the Internet Archive in June 2020.

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