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Square Enix

546 bytes removed, 17 February
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===Arcade===Note: SE isn't an arcade manufacturer.* [[Nintendo Entertainment System emulatorsMIOMI|NES]]-based** PlayChoice-10 (1987-1990, titles published by [[Nintendo]])* [[Super Nintendo emulators|SNES]]-based** Nintendo Super System (1991, title published by Nintendo)* [[PlayStation emulators|PlayStation]]-based** Namco System 12 (1998, title published by [[Namco]])** PS Arcade 95 (1999, title published by Namco)*[[TeknoParrot]] (2007-present, arcade boards from parent company [[Taito]])** Taito Type X** Taito Type X2** Taito Type X3** Taito Type X4===
===Plug 'n Play===
Anonymous user

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