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Emulation accuracy

4,465 bytes added, 3 June
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An emulator is ;It'''accurate''' when an instruction given s important to both the program know that emulation accuracy and compatibility are two different things; while how closely an emulator mimics the original hardware results in both outputting the same resultis important, don't mistake that for compatibility. That means accurate emulators produce much fewer audio and video glitchesWhether games run properly is a separate concern, usually at the cost of more processing power neededaccuracy can sometimes influence it. See [[#Perfection. It's often achieved by using tighter synchronization3F|"perfection"]] and [[#Controversy|"controversy"]] sections.
The more accurate an emulator is;In the world of computing, the lesser deviations there is from real hardware behavior but the more demanding it is. Ironicallyterms like "[[Hypervisors|hypervisors]]", "[[Simulators|simulators]]", that aspect might at times be at odds with how authentic the experience is"[[Compatibility_layer|compatibility/translation layers]]", when it introduces "[[Input lagWrappers|wrappers]]. A similar debate surrounds CRT shaders as well. Not to mention the ", "[[FPGA|FPGA-based hardware intensive nature of very accurate emulators for later consoles may be at odds with the emulator's usabilitycloning]]", especially with the recent collapse of Moore's Law (in layman's terms"Docker", you can't just "buy a better PCSandboxing" and "[[:Category:Emulators|software emulators]]" if semiconductor are often used interchangeably, leading to confusion. While they share some similarities, each technology does not catch up fast enough with what it takes for accurate emulation that makes zero compromises for optimizing speed)serves a distinct purpose and operates at different levels.
Within the realm of computer science, emulation occupies a niche distinct from virtualization or other techniques. Whereas hypervisors usually used for partitioning physical hardware resources among multiple guest operating systems, and simulators where developers build virtual replicas of specific environments or processes, emulation endeavors to recreate an entire historical architecture. This digital reconstruction seeks to faithfully capture the instruction set, timing behaviors, hardware features and even peripheral nuances of a bygone hardware platform. Unlike compatibility layers, which translate software instructions to a native format, emulation builds a virtual stage upon which the software itself can perform authentically. Emulation's intricate tapestry sometimes intertwines with threads of other technologies though. Notably, certain emulators leverage hypervisors for a more efficient handling of resource allocation and isolation. Additionally, some emulators employ compatibility layers as subcomponents, acting as translators for specific libraries or APIs that might otherwise be incompatible with the host environment. Think of these layers as linguistic bridges, allowing the emulated software to converse fluently with the modern system hardware. By strategically merging these techniques and the help of skilled use of [[High/Low_level_emulation|HLE and LLE or Hybrid]], [[Dynamic_recompilation|compiler techniques]] and using specific features such as Fast Memory Access[][][][] and instruction set support (such as [ AVX-512 for RPCS3]) and other various optimizations[], certain emulators achieve impressive levels of performance and compatibility, further unlocking the doors to historical software [[Preservation_projects|preservation]].[] Sandboxing is creates a restricted environment for running applications on your Host operating system. Within this "sandbox," applications can't make permanent changes to your system files or registry. Docker is a containerization platform. It creates isolated containers that share the host operating system kernel but have their own set of files and configurations. Docker is primarily used for deploying and isolating applications, particularly microservices, for development, testing, and deployment purposes.  So in summary, an accurate emulator is when an instruction given to both the program and the hardware results in both outputting the same result. That means accurate emulators produce much fewer audio and video glitches, usually at the cost of more processing power needed. It's often achieved by using tighter synchronization. The more accurate an emulator is, the lesser deviations there is from real hardware behavior but the more demanding it is. Ironically, that aspect might at times be at odds with how authentic the experience is, when it introduces [[Input lag]]. A similar debate surrounds CRT shaders as well. Not to mention the hardware intensive nature of very accurate emulators for later consoles may be at odds with the emulator's usability, especially with the recent collapse of Moore's Law (in layman's terms, you can't just "buy a better PC" if semiconductor technology does not catch up fast enough with what it takes for accurate emulation that makes zero compromises for optimizing speed). As a result, accuracy and emulator authenticity continue to be controversial subjects and highly a matter of opinion depending on what aspect of the experience the user values more.
Newer emulators Emulators tend to favor [[High/Low level emulation|High-Level Emulation (HLE) as opposed to Low-Level Emulation (LLE)]]for hardware demanding systems to emulate, <abbr title="This shouldn't be confused with compatibility though.">which results in lower accuracy </abbr> because as supposed to instead of mimicking the hardware these games were released on, High-Level emulators mimic how the games themselves behaved on the desired system. While emulators like [[Dolphin]] favor accuracy but still retain HLE for performance and have [[High/Low_level_emulation#Examples|successfully used it to an advantage]], these types of exceptions are uncommon , and it can still hinder accuracy.
===Low accuracy===
An emulator isn't accurate when it has a large amount of visual and audio glitches and favors performance as much as possible. To work around these glitches, emulator developers typically include game-specific hacks (and prioritize popular games) to skip over problems, such as compatibility issues that can cause games to break. Many times, these emulators will be deemed incompatible with the less popular (obscure) games. As Near (then known as byuu) explains in a 2011 Ars Technica article linked below, ''Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos'' will soft lock towards the end due to a specific hardware edge case that isn't emulated in [[ZSNES]] or [[ Snes9x]], but is properly dealt with in his own emulator [[higan]] due to his documentation of the system. This can also become very problematic when ROM hacks abuse software errors (aka. emulator oversights) to create otherwise impossible behaviors to achieve what they can. When a ROM hack can only be used in that one specific emulator, he explains, it becomes incompatible with real hardware (either through a flash cart or printed), and that such an issue has occurred with [[ZSNES]] before and continues to occur with Nintendo 64 ROM hacks. ===Medium accuracy===Medium accuracy finds itself in between, think of it as the middle ground. Emulators with medium-level accuracy have a decent level of compatibility with commercially released games and should be able to get the job done for the most part. Emulators with medium accuracy don't cover some of the more advanced nuances of the hardware it seeks out to imitate, but this shouldn't matter a whole lot for a good number of games. Most high-level emulators may fall into this category. In summary, emulators with medium-level accuracy are passable. They aren't the worst, but they aren't fantastic either, they sit in the middle.
===High accuracy===
High accuracy is a level of precision that emulator developers strive for when achieving [[#Cycle_accuracy|cycle accuracy]] or even [[#Partial cycle-accuracy|partial-cycle accuracy]] is not practical or necessary. In this This approach, the emulator replicates the components of focuses on replicating the original system 's components as closely as possible, aiming for a faithful reproduction to faithfully reproduce its behavior while staying mindful of the system's behaviorhardware demands. The pursuit of high accuracy often results in the need for Though it may demand more processing powercompared to lowly accurate emulators, leading to pursuing a more accurate emulation experience can pay off in the form of fewer audio and /visual glitches and improved better handling of edge cases used by niche scenarios that creative game programmersoften implement. Emulators with high accuracy may or may not be Though they don't mimic every clock cycle as precisely as cycle-accuracy, highly accurate, but they generally exhibit a notable level emulators capture the essence of fidelity to the original hardwarevery well. Achieving Also achieving 100% compatibility with commercially released games is a common goal for emulators with high accuracy. Some of these emulators even represents represent an even more meticulous level of precision in replicating the original system compared to other high highly accurate emulators, aiming to achieve an even closer match to the behavior of the original hardware. This this heightened level of accuracy often involves more sophisticated techniques, demanding increased computational resources. The distinction between high and very high accuracy lies in the finer details and nuances that very high accuracy seeks to capture, resulting in an emulation experience that minimizes any discrepancies or artifacts compared to the original system. Emulators with very high accuracy may be especially appealing to users seeking an unparalleled level of authenticity and completeness in their emulation experience.
===Cycle accuracy===
So, in summary, we can talk about three types of cycle emulation: "partial cycle-accuracy", "cycle-based accuracy" and "full cycle-accuracy". These can be considered as subsets of "cycle accuracy." Due to technical challenges and performance considerations, emulators often employ either "partial cycle-accuracy" or "cycle-based accuracy" depending on the specific requirements.
Mesen, CEN64, BlastEm, NanoBoyAdvance, Azayaka, MartyPC and Stella are recognized for their cycle-accurate emulation, though for knowing the specific degree of cycle-by-cycle precision for each needs further research.
====Partial cycle-accuracy====
This focuses on replicating the timing of instructions and key internal operations, while simplifying or skipping some less critical details. This can lower the performance requirements while still maintaining good compatibility compared to full cycle accuracy. Remember, just because an emulator is partially cycle-accurate doesn't necessarily make it more accurate than a highly accurate emulator. For example, CEN64 only emulates the CPU pipeline cycle-accurately and accuracythat's all, on the other hand Simple64 is more accurate in terms of timing for specific tasks like certain DMA transfers, even though it doesn't achieve partially cycle-accurate emulation.:Example Examples of partial partially cycle-accurate emulator is emulators are [ bsnes]and [ CEN64]. 
====Cycle-based accuracy====
This type of emulation accuracy aims to reproduce the system's functional behavior within a specified number of cycles without necessarily adhering to the exact
timing of each individual instructioncycle. Since this method doesn't go out of its way to mimic the precise timing and execution of each instructioncycle, it may not be able to handle all hardware edge cases.
:An example of a cycle-based emulator is jgnes with its cycle-based emulation of the Ricoh 2A03 and PPU.
====Full cycle-accuracy====
This aims to mimic every aspect of the CPU's timing and behavior, including internal operations and interactions with other components like memory and I/O devices. This demands the highest processing power for accurate emulationamong the cycle level accuracy subsets.:[ Example Examples of full fully cycle-accurate emulatoremulators: higan or and ares].
===Subcycle accuracy===
While it may be theoretically possible to have a 100% perfect emulator, that feat is very rare (if not nearly impossible), even for some highly regarded emulators such as [[higan]] or kevtris's work on the various FPGA-based consoles by Analogue. Just because an emulator claims to be "cycle accurate" or "100% compatible" does not mean that said emulator is flawless. This even includes situations in which all emulator accuracy tests (iei.e. [[PS1 Tests]]) are passed, as these tests cannot cover every single edge case, and some of these tests may even fail on real hardware, leading to even more confusion. Some things are nearly impossible to perfectly emulate, such as some of the illegal opcodes of the [[wikipedia:MOS_Technology_6502|6502]], where the results are completely unpredictable on hardware, and different hardware revisions have different results and different illegal opcodes. The closest one could get to writing a perfect emulator would be if someone were to exactly copy an original ASIC map or a decap onto an FPGA, and even then, that isn't always a magic bullet.
While any given emulator may not be perfect, that does not mean that the emulator is bad by any means. Writing an accurate emulator is extremely hard work, and while perfection may be nearly impossible at the moment, that doesn't mean that games can't be enjoyed. Work on archival via emulation has come a very long way since the emulators of the 1990s, and things are only getting better from here, with excellent emulators such as the previously mentioned [[higan]] and kevtris's [[FPGA]] cores being available to use right now. In other words, "good enough" goes a long way.
The accuracy debate has very clearly split into two sides.
The ones that don't favor accuracy argue that emulators do not need to be as accurate as possible if it can play all the games they need. And because these games tend to be the most recognized alongside the console, there shouldn't really be an interest in making more games work since those ones do. A more compelling point is that as long as an emulator plays the majority of games at full speed on most computers and devices without too many obvious glitches, it doesn't matter how accurately it replicates the original hardware and its many quirks and functions. The faithfulness of the emulator to the console it's emulating comes second to its overall ability to play games.
The ones that favor accuracy explain their view in that when playing a game with inaccurate emulation the experience may sometimes be quite different to the real thing, particularly with games focused on split-second reactions. There is also an entirely different reason: archival. Emulator projects should ultimately strive to recreate the hardware as much as possible; that's the only way for it to be compatible, and that's the only way to preserve the hardware. Speed and scalability to most devices is a lower priority to accuracy to the real console, both for purposes of compatibility and preservation.

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