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IOS emulators

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; devos50’s QEMU fork
:Based on earlier work emulating the S5L8900 and the iPhone 11 in QEMU. It can emulate an iPod Touch 1G running iOS 1.0, including iBoot, the kernel, and the Springboard, although it requires a modified NOR and NAND image. Some features, such as audio and Wi-Fi, are not emulated, and there are multiple crashes. [Source code]( Source code] - [Blog post]( - [Blog post pt.2](- [ post pt.2]
: **''Cycada** '' (2014), formally known as Cider is an unreleased reasearch research project made by a few folks at Columbia that ran iOS 5.1.1 and experimentally iOS 6 apps at a high, but not perfect quality and compatibility (see paper for list). It is based on pirated iOS libraries. It is seriously not reccomended to initiate contact with the developers of the project, as they never planned on releasing it and want people to use their paper to reproduce it with "significant effort". You may try to recreate Cycada on your own, provided that you know the internals of Android, iOS, XNU, and Linux. [Website]( Website] - [Paper]( Paper] - [Video demo]( Video demo] - [Presentation]( Presentation] - [Announcement]( Announcement] - [Wikipdia]( Wikipedia] - [Screenshots](]
:QEMU-t8030 (2022), also known as TruEmu, is an iPhone 11 emulated in QEMU, however it does not have a display yet, and seems abandoned. [Source code]( ] - [Presentation](]
:QEMU-s5l89xx-port (2012), also known as iEmu , is another failed attempt to get an iPhone running in QEMU, this time the 1st generation. The last commits were made in 2013. Any Android app going by the name iEmu is a *scam* and should be avoided. [Source Code Mirror (Up to late 2012)]( Code Mirror (Up to late 2012) ] - [Website (archived)]( (archived) ] - [Source Code (Archive)]( Code (Archive)]
: **''unidbg** '' (2020) is a developer library that allows emulating Android binaries, however "expiramental" iOS support was added some time in 2021. It is unknown if any apps are supported.
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