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GameYob 3DS

82 bytes added, 19:15, 9 July 2021
{{ GAMEYOB3D| name = Project S-11 | region = USA | sound = Works| ver = 1.0.2 | lastVer= | status = Works| notes = }}
{{ GAMEYOB3D| name = Puyo Puyo Gaiden - Puyo Wars | region = JAP | sound = Works| ver = 1.0.2 | lastVer= | status = Works| notes = }}
{{ GAMEYOB3D| name = Puzzle Bobble 4 | region = JAP | sound = Doesn't Work | ver = 1.0.8 | lastVer= | status = Doesn't Work | notes = Crashes app. CIA version immediately quits to home menu. Uses Gambatte-libretro instead. The game works on my PC (BGB or Gambatte Only). }}
{{ GAMEYOB3D| name = Puzzle Boy II | region = JAP | sound = Works| ver = 1.0.2 | lastVer= | status = Works| notes = }}
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