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Talk:Emulation accuracy

678 bytes added, 04:59, 6 March 2018
no edit summary
This is a good video detailing the importance of accuracy in emulators. Don't know how to integrate it in the article well, so I'll just leave it here:
I think we should seriously reconsider the classification system for accuracy on this wiki. Classifying an emulator under "Cycle" in the accuracy column can be misleading, as it is by no means perfect, although I still think that should be a factor in determining how accurate an emulator is. I'm not exactly sure of a good solution to this, as marketing has lead people to believe that "cycle accurate" or "FPGA" means perfect. This issue of classification recently came up when trying to classify CLK's 2600 emulation accuracy. While CLK's 2600 emulation is cycle accurate, it still has quite a few accuracy issues, meaning the emulator should have the classification "Mid."

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