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Famicom color palette

12 bytes removed, 15:35, 18 February 2016
|style="text-align:center;"|FirebrandX's palettesUnsaturated-V5
|style="text-align:center;"|There are two different palettes. One is labeled unsaturated, and it It was created using direct NES composite capture through an XRGB Mini. <ref></ref> |-|style="text-align:center;"|YUV-V3|style="text-align:center;"|N/A|style="text-align:center;"|The saturated palette is a modified version of the YUV (canonical) palette that fixes some shades of green and cyan. Some consider these to be the most accurate palettes when compared to original hardware. <ref></ref>
|style="text-align:center;"|Mega Man 9-10
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