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PlayStation emulators

32 bytes added, 04:43, 1 February 2016
Emulation issues
No texture perspective correction causes distortion to texture angles at certain viewing angles, notably at the bottom near the camera. This could be mitigated with modern texture filtering methods along with perspective-correct texture mapping if implemented into PS1 emulators/GPU plugins.
On real hardware, many PS1 games displayed dithering to varying degrees due to a low color depth. Most hardware-rendered plugins use 32-bit color depth, which removes dithering, while software-rendered plugins and emulators tend to retain it. While higher color depth can be considered an enhancement, since it results in less noise and smooth gradients, some think of it dithering as seen on real hardware as added shading and texture, especially on untextured polygons. A few software-rendered emulators, such as PCSX-reARMed and the libretro fork of Mednafen, are capable of increasing internal resolution while still retaining dithering, which keeps the shading/texturing aspect while making it more subtle by making the dithering artifacts smaller.

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