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Using RetroArch

1,268 bytes added, 02:00, 8 August 2014
Installing RetroArch on Linux
==Installing RetroArch on Linux==
First, add the PPA for hunter-kaller/ppa (instructions [[Emulation on Ubuntu|here]]), then type the following into a terminal:
sudo apt-get update
You can also set the libretro path using the RGUI. In Retroarch, go to Settings -> Path Options -> Core Directory and navigate to the appropriate folder. If you set everything up correctly, you should see the cores when you select the ''Core'' option in the RGUI.
==Installation on Gentoo==
First, install an overlay manager with git support:
# USE="git" emerge layman
Add the abendbrot repository for straightforward installation through RetroArch's git repository:
# layman -a abendbrot
# echo "source /var/lib/layman/make.conf" >> /etc/portage/make.conf
Now, change portage to pull from the RetroArch git repository:
# echo "games-emulation/retroarch-9999 **" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords
Set USE flags that you want, it is not required to enable every single one (you only need at least one audio and video output device; defaults are suitable enough). It is recommended to add udev for joystick support and netplay for netplay support.
Build and install RetroArch from the git repository
# emerge retroarch
No cores are added by default, you will need to emerge them.
# emerge <corename>-libretro
Alternatively, you can set USE flags through /etc/portage/package.use libretro-meta package to choose what cores you wish; small all USE flags are on.
games-emulation/libretro-meta <USEFLAG> <USEFLAG> ...
bsnes has USE flags for its balanced, performance and accuracy profiles:
games-emulation/bsnes-libretro profile_accuracy ...
The cores will be installed under /usr/lib/libretro/
===Other Distros===

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