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MAME compatibility list

770 bytes added, 12:52, 11 January 2022
no edit summary
Graphics/Sounds are glitches?, Runs very slow on Windows Systems (7/XP/Vista/10), Runs super slow on PSPDisp with Windows 7
Calculates well. Data transfer / PC link features aren't implemented yet.
Doesn't turn on.
Calculates well. Data transfer / PC link features aren't implemented yet.
Calculates well. Data transfer / PC link features aren't implemented yet.
Calculates well. Data transfer / PC link features aren't implemented yet.
Calculates well. Data transfer / PC link features aren't implemented yet.
Calculates well. Data transfer / PC link features aren't implemented yet.
Warns there is no operating system so it cannot perform any calculation. Checked it's not caused by a broken ROM. Cannot pass ROM self-test.
Doesn't even do anything.

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