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PlayStation 2 emulators

9 bytes removed, 20 June
Enhancements: LSFG newer version with better demonstration
| [ Frame generation technologies]<br/><small>([ LSFG], [ DLSS-G], [ ExtraSS] and [ AFMF])</small>
| colspan=4 | <small>Implementing frame generation technology in an emulator is unfortunately quite challenging and unlikely to be feasible in the near future, however post-processing techniques such as [[Wikipedia:Motion_interpolation|motion interpolation]] is quite possible. [[Input_lag|Input latency]] will be a crucial factor, but its impact likely varies depending on the specific technique employed, it's recommended to use '''after applying the "Internal Framerate Hack" and "skip presenting duplicate frames option"'''.<br/>While '''[ AFMF]''' or '''[ 300 LSFG]''' can be used with PCSX2, please be aware that some visual glitches and artifacts may occur at this time.
| Rendering latency reduction technologies<br/><small>([ LatencyFleX], [ Reflex] and [ Anti-Lag'''+'''])

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