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Support emulation projects

80 bytes added, 8 June
Archival & hardware donations: guess should mention no-intro alongside redump, to include carts
== Archival & hardware donations ==
Optical discs like CD and DVDs have a limited lifespan. They degrade over time and will eventually be unreadable to a disc reader.
Projects like [ No-Intro] and [ Redump] are focused on identifying all officially released carts and discs, respectively.Each known cart/disc is stored with information which makes it possible for users to verify the correctness of their cart/disc.Contributing to these databases (by dumping your discs cart/disc and contributing metadata) helps to build a full-set for testing emulators.It also encourages users to make legal backups of their carts/discs before they break.
Game databases like [ MobyGames] can be used to find additional information for each game. Launchers can use the uploaded descriptions and cover artwork. You can contribute by scanning your game artwork, finding and adding game information (such as release dates).

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