Talk:Main Page

From Emulation General Wiki
Revision as of 13:42, 30 November 2014 by Special (talk | contribs)
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iOS and other platforms

There's no section for emulators that run on iOS, Blackberry, etc. I could fill that section in like the Android one, but just wondering if it's worthwhile or not.

do eet--Swarhog (talk) 15:15, 8 August 2014 (EDT)


Could the admin change it to a nice simple darker style? It looks quite nice. It's the style of the old Wikia. - The Red Sniper.

Here's a darker style that I use: Userstyles. It's left default as a lot of people complained about the white on grey. --SonofUgly (talk) 17:54, 27 March 2014 (EDT)

Main Page Layout

Post what you want/don't want instead of changing it back and forth.

Personally don't think it should have any fixed widths.
If you want to test something, make a new page like Main Page Test 1 or take a screenshot of the preview. --SonofUgly (talk) 17:15, 26 July 2014 (EDT)

All right then. I claim Main Page Test 1 as mine. Jackos (talk) 17:25, 26 July 2014 (EDT)
It's done. I guess. --Jackos (talk) 19:03, 26 July 2014 (EDT)
Might also want to add this one, which is basically the last one you listed with the unified headers I made for the first one (uncentered). Which admittedly doesn't look too bad, but I'll leave it up to others to decide. Murrigan (talk) 17:26, 26 July 2014 (EDT)

I like the unified header one as well, but maybe do something with that picture along the lines of This was the first one that changed and it just doesn't look good on my monitor Special

See, that's why fixed width is probably a good thing (admittedly I dun goof'd originally when I took that away on the original edit, of course); having it stretch to ANY width will make things look sparse. Murrigan (talk) 17:41, 26 July 2014 (EDT

A suggestion for Jackos / my 2 cents Center the 'Welcome Intro' and move the threads to it's own little box, and anyway to remove all those individual 'Edit' links? -- Special

I removed the edit links. The problem I see is that more than two boxes won't work very well with lowres monitors. I know with mine it won't work. --Jackos (talk) 20:21, 26 July 2014 (EDT)
That's true about low resolutions, looks pretty much perfect now either way. -- Special

Seems like most are happy with Main Page Test 1 and we'll go with it. Does anyone have any objections to that? --SonofUgly (talk) 15:35, 27 July 2014 (EDT)

Seems fine to me. If we're going with this, is there any point keeping Template:News? It looks like it's not even being used on that page. If we do end up keeping it we could remove the title in it I guess. Murrigan (talk) 15:43, 27 July 2014 (EDT)
Keep the template. It'll be easier to edit if you guys wanna change something related to it, instead of searching through all the code already on the page. Even a template for the "Information" block would be good. --Jackos (talk) 15:48, 27 July 2014 (EDT)
Wouldn't it be better to replace that Russian news feed with something else like an EmuCR one? The Russian one is hardly up to date with current releases like PPSSPP 0.9.9 for example, may emuCR would be to spammy with all the dev builds? -- Special
EmuCR posts mostly for dev builds, so it'd be pretty cluttered. To be honest it's the best one I've seen at least (and this is a discussion that happened on the old Wikia). Murrigan (talk) 17:26, 27 July 2014 (EDT)

Assumption of "Computers" category?

There's a list under a "Computers" category. Perhaps this is known, but all video game consoles are computers. A 1978 calculator is a computer. The TVs that your parents watched when they were kids were computers(most likely). I think this is kind of differentiating people's ideas of what "computer" means, and is not a good way to describe "non-gaming purpose" computers.

This, I feel, further dumbs down the general populations' knowledge of technology by calling 'X' a computer, but then telling them their smartphone or such is a "phone, not a 'PC/computer!'"

Perhaps I should give some better replacements:

"Non-gaming computer emulators",

"Emulators for non-consoles",

"Old system emulators", or

"Emulators for non-game consoles".

What about "Personal Computers"? Most people think of desktop, multi-purpose computers when they hear this. --Swarhog (talk) 17:20, 28 July 2014 (EDT)
Seems pedantic. Sure consoles, calculators, phones, etc. are computers, but you place a phone, SNES, and personal computer/home computer/desktop PC/whatever next to each other and then ask someone to turn on the 'Computer', they're not gonna touch the phone or the SNES.
"Non-gaming computer emulators" - plenty of people gamed on their DOS computers. "Emulators for non-consoles" - even 'console' is fairly ambiguous when talking about something like the MSX or Commodore. "Old system emulators" - a SNES is an old system. "Emulators for non-game consoles" - see one and two.
They're computers.--SonofUgly (talk) 17:54, 28 July 2014 (EDT)

Ok ... how about "Other Emulators" then? A Nintendo Handheld can be just as much as a "personal computer" as an Amiga/Commodore 64 once was.

Or how about Computers/PCs, as that's what everyone calls them by? No one calls a GameBoy a personal computer. --SonofUgly (talk) 16:50, 30 July 2014 (EDT)
^ This. As the Wikipedia says "(...) The term "video game console" is used to distinguish a machine designed for consumers to use for playing video games on a separate television in contrast to arcade machines, handheld game consoles, or home computers."; Or my dictionary "games console: A small electronic device for playing computerized video games." --Jackos (talk) 17:44, 30 July 2014 (EDT)

I'm a bit disappointed to see that nobody is getting where I'm coming from. I am aware of what most people call them, but the terminology is what I propose that we go against and come up with a new way of describing these computers without making anything contrasting/different to them as "less of a computer" in the eyes of society. When someone says their smartphone is not a computer, that's someone ignorant to what a computer is (or what defines as a computer). When we further that agenda here we are just fueling that same mindset that's wrong. This is why I said let's come up with a way of categorizing these systems in a way that doesn't reflect negatively on the view of what constitutes a computer in the other categories. Just because "everyone says 'X' things are 'Y'" doesn't mean we should stray along with common beliefs. Just consider this: Is Playstation 3 a computer? Yep. It has a microprocessor, RAM, a GPU. Does your "PC" have a microprocessor, RAM, and a GPU? Yep. Based on the latter, we can confirm that Playstation 3 is no less a computer than your desktop build ... or Gameboy Color ... or Atari even (same fundamentals, just with very limited resources). Do you consider your PS3, Vita, etc. to be "personal"? If you do, it's technically a "personal computer". This is why I'm arguing semantics here where it counts. The "PC" has no real meaning/definition ... find me one that defines what exactly makes something a "PC" and what makes it not one. People often consider "anything sitting on their desk that runs Windows" to be a PC, even though plenty of us know that OS X is compiled for the exact same architecture, has drivers for the same GPUs, and has a platform almost identical to that Windows/Linux/etc. runs on. It's just a thought, of course.

I also found this: "General operation by a single user." That tells us that the way most people think of it is not historically correct. You can research what IBM considered "PC" to mean, and how that has evolved and misled millions of people now who think "PC" constitutes form factor or don't even know what the hell it means ... just that they know it means whatever the "smarter" person tells them it means. This is why I feel that terminology matters more than bullet-biting and just using the "common" (and also wrongly believed) terminology for it.
"Ma'am, I'm afraid your son has autism." --Swarhog
This is a small niche wiki for a niche hobby, we're not changing any societal definitions, or following an agenda one way or the other. "Computer" is used to clearly categorize emulators that everyone else refers to as computer emulators so they can quickly find what they're looking for, and know what the other systems under the category are for. --SonofUgly (talk) 15:38, 2 August 2014 (EDT)
^^This, also dat autism. :/ -- Special

All right, call me autistic. I guess tossing insults is what we've come down to here, so the intelligent discussion ends now.


There's still plenty to do if you're looking for something to edit.

And just in general, adding more info to pages that need it.

I'm also in the process of marking what pages should be removed based on whether they're actually useful or not, and marking which pages are stubs (as in, need adding to). I'll be removing the ones marked for deletion within a week, so feedback would be grateful if anyone happens to think they need to stay. Murrigan (talk) 13:36, 25 October 2014 (EDT)

Is the FAQ section getting crowded?

For example the 'CRT monitors' 'CRT TVs' pages can just go into the 'Display FAQ' page because this seems pretty redundant, and the 'PSP Eboots' page seems pretty pointless as is too, I would just put a section about converting PS1 games to Eboots in the 'Ripping Games' page since we have that already, the rest of the 'PSP Eboots' page are just download links so put those in 'ROM/ISO Sites' page. Just some ideas for cleaning up the FAQs section. --Special