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The name higan stands for 'Hero of Fire'
The name higan stands for 'Hero of Fire'
Current version: 0.93
Active: Yes
OS: Windows, OS X, Linux
Authors: byuu
Official website: http://byuu.org/higan/
Source code: Unknown

higan is an open source multi-system emulator that originally started out as bsnes. Currently, the only thing worth using in higan is the cycle-accurate bsnes core. It was created in response to inaccurate SNES emulators and shoddy ROM hacks.




bsnes has 3 different versions: Performance, Balanced, and Accuracy. The Balanced version is recommended for modern PCs. Use the Accuracy version only for extreme cases.

The main concession to performance in the Balanced core is the PPU (graphics) emulation – rather than render a pixel at a time as real hardware must do, it renders an entire scanline at a time. Because Nintendo told SNES programmers not to mess with the PPU while scanline rendering was in progress, this has no effect in most games – but some programmers deliberately broke the rules and these games will have problems in the Balanced core.

There are two games known to manipulate the PPU mid-scanline; “A.S.P. – Air Strike Patrol (USA)” and “Uniracers (USA)”. Uniracers works because it’s the only game that tries to manipulate OAM mid-scanline, and bsnes just happens to behave exactly the way that Uniracers expects. Air Strike Patrol is missing the shadow beneath the plane, which make the game harder to play.


The bsnes core is the only one worth using in higan. The others are very early in development, and are inferior to other existing emulators. Alternatives include Gambatte, VBA-M, and Nestopia.

Version 0.73 is an older, but easier to use version of bsnes. Another alternative is to use the bsnes core in RetroArch to get around some of the less-user friendly designs in higan.

Supported systems

NES (Famicon)
SNES (Super Famicon)
Game Boy
Game Boy Color
Game Boy Advance

Source Code