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490 bytes added, 01:24, 5 October 2013
==Light Gun==
Traditional light guns rely on the behavior of CRT monitors and TVs to function. There are light guns that do not rely on the monitor for positioning but behave more like wiimotes using IR light.. The accuracy is not as good but most people can adjust fairly quickly. Within most emulators the sensor in the light gun behaves like a mouse and usually require no special drivers for setup.
===AimtrakAimTrak=== Works with all monitors including CRT, LCD, and plasma. The package comes with both the USB gun (an infrared receiver) & a USB-to-infrared transmitter bar that sits on top of the screen. The calibration software for Windows XP/Vista/7 is available on the Ultimarc website, but it's also been confirmed to work on Windows 8 (no drivers are required; the unit works as a mouse). The gun kit is also designed to work on Playstation 2 & 3 consoles as well as in Linux (again, as a mouse,) though there are no official calibration programs for Linux.
Anonymous user

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