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242 bytes added, 00:18, 29 October 2015
However, upon announcing the development of version 1.7, the project became closed off to most of the public. The only way to keep up with the latest developments was to donate $20 to obtain beta testing privileges. However, there were several development version leaks, most of which turned out to be unstable, prone to crashes, and full of performance and compatibility regressions, which cast doubt upon the competency of the developers. Upon Jabo's departure from the project in 2011, most people came to regard Projec64 as being stuck in development limbo, if not completely dead.
In 2013, however, zilmar, now the lone developer of Project64, released version 2.0, including its source code. Quickly afterwards, version 2.1 was released. However, these versions proved to be a mixed bag in comparison to the older, long-standing 1.6 release, and even the leaked 1.7 betas in some respects. Several compatibility issues were fixed, and the interface was cleaned up, but the default plugins were largely inferior to earlier iterations, and even the core itself saw compatibility regressions in some games. Worse still, several games suffer from timing issues not present in earlier versions. And though the source has had been made public, there is was no public repository for developers to contribute fixes or pull requests, thus any fixes would have leading the project to come either from become dormant again. In 2015, zilmar himself whenever he feels like created a public Project64 repository on Github, officially opening the gates for contributions. Development picked up at break-neck speed, and has yet to cease. Many of the issues with earlier versions of Project64 have now been fixed, ithas been mostly ported to 64-bit, or through unofficial forksand there is even an effort underway to make it more portable and eventually work on non-Windows platforms.

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