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Recommended N64 plugins

117 bytes added, 20:10, 18 January 2022
Added Mupen64Plus HLE RSP as a recommendation for Project64 Performance "profile"
**Project64 Video
**Azimer's HLE Audio
**Zilmar's RSP or Mupen64Plus HLE RSP**Make sure you configure the graphics plugin to show texture enhancement options. Then you'll have an extra tab to change more options. Go to the texture enhancement tab and click on the button that gives the best performance and it should improve framerate once you saved the settings. There's also another button for best texture quality. There's little need to touch the other plugins. Recommended for the older zilmar-spec emulators as well (replace Project64 Video with Glide64 Final for those). If you absolutely need more performance, you can try Jabo's plugin (specifically version 1.6.1, NOT the buggy version bundled with Project64), though it comes at a cost to compatibility. Also, try out the Mupen64Plus HLE RSP if you'd like to eke out that extra bit of performance.
**Angrylion RDP Plus

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