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CRT shaders

2,329 bytes added, 08:54, 11 July 2022
Added sections on CRT-Guest-Advanced and Sony Megatron
A preconfigured CRT-Royale made to look like a professional CRT monitor, specifically Sony's PVM/BVM line of monitors.
*[ Guest's shader development thread]
This is quite possibly the most advanced, feature-rich CRT shader of all. It has just as if not more parameters to configure than CRT-Royale while being more optimized, and if greater speed is desired, there are several faster versions available, as well as variants that add other neat features such as NTSC emulation and better support for games that render at 480p or higher. It is also still in active development and continues to regularly gain features and optimizations. Take heed, however: it is also one of the only shaders without a central public Github repo, as its developer has opted for release bundles linked to in the libretro forums instead. While RetroArch does host a version of it in their shader repos, it is highly outdated, so it is recommended to update it using the latest release from the developer's dedicated libretro forum thread, linked above.
===Sony Megatron===
*[ Sony Megatron]
This shader is quite unique among CRT shaders, and shaders in general. It is currently the only shader that takes advantage of HDR support for greater color depth and brightness, allowing for highly accurate CRT emulation on HDR-capable displays, though it is also usable on regular SDR displays. Unlike other CRT shaders, its inner workings are actually fairly simple and it doesn't have many bells and whistles, focusing mainly on drawing scanlines and accurate phosphor masks as well as color correction, which coincidentally also makes it one of the fastest shaders featured on this page. As it is primarily meant for use on bright HDR-capable displays, it draws phosphor masks at full strength with no attempt at mitigating the resulting loss in brightness through parameters such as bloom, glow or mask strength typically seen in other CRT shaders, instead counting on the display to make up for it. On an SDR display, it is highly recommended to use it with the backlight turned up all the way, as otherwise the image will likely be too dim to view comfortably. There are presets emulating various CRT models and types, including several PVM models, certain arcade displays, and even PC monitors.

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