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CHIP-8 emulators

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:''Note: The terms 'emulator', 'interpreter' and 'simulator' are used interchangeably by developers of CHIP-8 interpreters.''
'''[[wikipedia:CHIP-8|CHIP-8]]''' is an [[wikipedia:Interpreter_(computing)|interpreted]] [[wikipedia:Programming_language|programming language]], developed by Joseph Weisbecker.  CHIP-8 was designed Designed to be easy to program for and to use less resources than programming languages like [[wikipedia:BASIC|BASIC]]. <ref>[ "An Easy Programming System"] [[wikipedia:Byte_(magazine)|BYTE]] volume. 3, issue 12. December 1978.</ref>
Microcomputers with CHIP-8 support are listed [[#Computers with CHIP-8 support|here]], for other implentations see [[#Interpreters|interpreters]]
This is due to systems like the [[wikipedia:COSMAC VIP|COSMAC VIP]] endorsing and including CHIP-8 programs.<ref>[ COSMAC VIP Instruction Manual]</ref> In these communities CHIP-8 programs and extensions were being shared with newsletters, like '[ DREAMER]' and '[ VIPER magazine]'
Later, in the 1990s CHIP-8 began to be popular on [[wikipedia:Graphing calculator|graphing calculators]]. This community started when a CHIP-8 interpreter called CHIP-48, the origin the 'CHIP-48' extension was released on the [[wikipedia:HP_48_series|HP-48]] in 1990. In 1991 the 'SUPER-CHIP' interpreter was created, with the '{{hovertext|SUPER-CHIP|' (A.K.A S-CHIP or SCHIP}}' ) extension being a derivative of CHIP-48.<ref name=SCHIP_11_DOC>[ SUPER-CHIP 1.1 documentation]</ref>
There have been other communities that have created and ported interpreters, devices such as consoles. With interpreters still being made for consoles and computers, as well as many other old and new devices. In the 2010s the [ Octojam] competition started with the creation of XO-CHIP, which was created in 2014<ref>[ CHIP-8 extensions and compatibility#XO-CHIP]</ref>. Octojam ran from 2014-2023, <ref></ref> had dozens of CHIP-8, S-CHIP, and XO-CHIP programs created for it.

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