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User talk:Special

95 bytes added, 03:34, 17 May 2015
:I'm deeply touched of your white knighting, and your skills at it are quite good, but please save your breath, /gen/ gonna /gen/, they look for drama and anything that goes against a popular opinion is a good target for it. But don't you worry, I'll continue to call out all the retards on their retardedness and challenge all their stupid ass shit edits on this wiki if I think I need too, if it makes them mad, good. I also have no idea why this Talk page became so popular all of a sudden, but if it's related to something from the general, well I haven't been keeping up with it in weeks, so it wasn't me. PS. Why is that Randomizer guy such a huge faggot? --[[User:Special|The Great Martyr of /Emugen/]]
:: And to be a little bit more clear, it takes just one biased anonymous shill to come on here and recommend their emulator of choice (a devs would love the extra epeen), or because some end user made a issue report one time and the dev responded to it, they now have some special feelings towards said emulator or some shit and need to recommend it. I saw mGBA get changed to recommended so I gave it a whirl, and guess what it sucks shit and it still does, doesn't play and full speeds and lacks any kind of options its competitors have, so naturally I challenged that shills recommendation, and all he could do was post, then repost and probably even rerepost that huge fuck-off feature list taken from the devs own website, it's not even like 97% of that feature list is exclusive to mGBA which makes it even more pointless, nice tryharding there you shill fuck, to bad I guess you lost though. Oh and I would still be challenging this if that one guy hadn't written up a fairly decent 'fair' comparison on it, even though it's still to in favored for mGBA IMO. (Note: I do not give a shit about the devs behind something aka that squall asshole, nor do I give a shit about some feature list road-map of planned things that are supposed to be.) --[[User:Special|The Great Martyr of /Emugen/]]
Works perfectly fine on my 3570K. Easily 60 FPS, never dips:
Anonymous user

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