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Emulation books and articles

364 bytes added, 01:58, 25 June 2013
== Articles==
[ I want to be a game developer... now what?] by
[ Statically Recompiling NES Games into Native Executables with LLVM and Go] by Andrew Kelley
: Post by someone who was seeing if static recompiling was viable for emulation. Has detailed info about NES ROMs and code snippets from his emulator with explanations about how it was made. Assumes you now how to code.
: An introduction to programming languages for inspiring develepors. While this article is more focused towards those interested in game development, it outlines the pros and cons of what to learn as a first language, as well as advice and recommendations on how to start learning and what books you should read.
: Lists some books and some basic info needed for those who want to get into writting emulators.
: '''NOTE: File has been deleted, if anyone has a copy, please reupload.'''

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