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Talk:High/Low level emulation

1,122 bytes added, 11 February
Creating pages for other terms
*Pixel pipeline emu. techniques such as "Ubershaders":
*ahead of time (AOT) recompilation (and LLVM ofc).
*GPU emu. techniques such as "Hardware rendering" vs "Software rendering" and performance options for software approach such as: multithreading and using recompiler (software renderer multithreading shouldn't be confused with vulkan API backend multithreading/threaded presentation feature)::''vulkan API backend multithreading/threaded presentation option has actually existed for some time in various emulators that implemented Vulkan renderer backend. What it actually does is when the CPU wants to make something draw it has to issue a "draw call" which takes up CPU time, on old APIs this was nearly all done on one thread, the reason for that is different threads can't access other threads data (quickly) if it's being updated and because of how it used to be done, you needed to synchronise threads a lot and that meant that using lots of threads ended up not always being too helpful, in Vulkan because the person using the API is more explicit about how they want their memory and what have you allocated and used it's easier to submit "draw calls" on multiple threads so it (usually) performs better because it's designed to avoid the issues of older APIs.''[]
:Software renderer

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