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Talk:High/Low level emulation

730 bytes added, 11 February
Creating pages for other terms
*Pixel pipeline emu. techniques such as "Ubershaders":
*GPU emu. techniques such as "Hardware rendering" vs "Software rendering" and performance options for software approach such as: multithreading and using recompiler (ex: melonds, cen64, [[Recommended_N64_plugins#Angrylion_RDP_Plus|Angrylion RDP Plus]] plugin).
*ahead of time (AOT) recompilation (and LLVM ofc).
*GPU emu. techniques such as "Hardware rendering" vs "Software rendering" and performance options for software approach such as: multithreading and using recompiler
:Software renderer
::*[[Recommended_N64_plugins#Angrylion_RDP_Plus|Angrylion RDP Plus]] plugin
::*Some of the standalone emulators has software renderer option such as [ PCSX2 (which has multithreading option)], [ Dolphin], melonDS
::*[[POS_(Pong_Consoles)_CPUs_and_Other_Chips#Hardware_support.2C_features_and_peripherals|DOSBox forks for Voodoo emulation, 86Box and PCem for various 3D accelerators]]
:Hardware renderer
::*[[Windows_2000/XP/Vista_emulators#Type_2_Hypervisors|Type-2 hypervisors virtual gpu adapter]]
::*Majority of standalone emulators has hardware renderer option using various backends such as Vulkan, D3D11-12, OpenGL etc.

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