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Computer specifications

2 bytes removed, 14:12, 10 September 2013
GPU: Spelling
GPUs are basiacally basically just hundreds of underpowered CPUs on the same die. Or you can think of it as a 300 core CPU.
The thing is with 3D graphics is you can split the work up into hundreds of different parts and give each piece to a different core on the GPU since it doesn't matter which order the polys are rendered in, as long as they all get rendered for the same frame before moving on to the next.
File compression/extraction and buttcoin bitcoin mining are also good examples of programs that can make use of parallel processing.
However, most programs can not do this. Dwarf Fortress for example can't make use of a graphics card, because every calculation it does is dependent on the one done before it. That obviously doesn't work if you try and do them all at the same time.
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