Source Ports on macOS

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Revision as of 09:59, 25 August 2023 by Xianmo (talk | contribs) (clarify about app bundle on intro)
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1998 apple logo.png
Developer Apple
Type Operating systems
Release date 2001
Latest release macOS 13 Ventura
This page is about game engine recreations and source ports that run on macOS (previously Mac OS X).
For emulators that run on macOS (previously Mac OS X), see Emulators on macOS.

What is a Source Port?

Sometimes creating an emulator for a whole system is overkill. If the source code for a game is available, it is possible to modernise the code and port it to multiple platforms that the original game developer did not originally envisage. This is called a source port. Most of the source ports listed below were not released with Apple Silicon support, but support has been added by independent developers.

Alternatively, if the source code is not available, it is possible to recreate a game engine from scratch. This is much more difficult to do and to make the resulting game match the original.

Getting the Game Data

For most source ports and game recreations, game data from the original game is required and this must be legally obtained from the original release for copyright reasons. Game data for most of the games below are available to purchase from GoG or Steam (GoG is preferred as games purchased there do not contain DRM which could make things more difficult). Generally, the game data should be put in the ~/Library/Application Support/ directory (where ~ represents your user home folder). But this is dependent on the individual game, so check the installation instructions.

A few games were open-sourced and released with their game data included, so for these games no additional steps are required.

Compiling the Source Code and the Terminal

Most of the games listed already come with an app bundle, where you can just open it and play. However, some require you to compile the source code yourself, or to run the game using the command-line. The list will indicate if an app bundle is available or not.

Name Supported games Site App Bundle MSP PPC x86 x64 ARM Gamepad Support FLOSS Active Recommended
NakedAVP Aliens Vs Predator (2000) git [1]
wipEout-Rewrite wipEout (PS1) git