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360 bytes added, 10:51, 12 July 2019
Width size corrections
Some cores have a wrong width resolution, doubt if this is a bug and even less a problem, but if you want some pixel perfect (to see better horizontal scrolling for example) here is a little list of the cores with xscale values which would give pixel perfect.
all Also some of the cores have a boolean setting called h_overscan which if it's enabled (1) some overscan (also called black bars) on the sides will appear, but width size is still inaccurate.All values are replaced from 1X scale, if you want 2X or 3X scale, multiply it with a calculator.
* PCE / PCE_FAST PCE_Fast / PC-FX: 0.8888888888888888888888888888888888Saturn* PC Engine (h_overscan 1): 0.875* PlayStation (h_overscan 0): 1.092715231788079* PlayStation(h_overscan 1): 1.09375SNES_FAUST* Sega Saturn (h_overscan 0): 1.095890410958904* Sega Saturn (h_overscan 1): 1.092715231788079* Snes_Faust: 0.8767123287671233
Example: PSX [ 2.0X scale] -> [ 2.1875X scale]

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