NEC PC-8800 series

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The NEC PC-8800 series, also known as the PC-88, were a family of computers made by NEC starting in 1981. The last models of the PC-88 were released in 1989, though it is unknown when they were discontinued. The PC-88 was released in America and Japan.


PC-88 series Emulators
Emulator Operating System(s) Latest Version Active Recommended
pc8801ma Windows 18/05/08
XM8 Multi-platform 1.70
M88 for OS/2 OS/2 2.15
X88000 Multi-platform 1.5.2
MAME Multi-platform 0.266
P88SR MS-DOS† 1.00
Excite88 Windows
M88 Windows 2.21a
PC88WIN Windows 1.14
W88 Windows 0.05
PC88EM macOS 4.35
QUASI88 Multi-platform 0.6.4
QUASI88 Android Android 130609

†Only compatible with DOS/V incompatible PC-98 machines running MS-DOS.
